From Turkey to France, hidden in a truck

When and why did you leave your country?

Left on the 25 April 2022 because of political issues. I did not want to do the military service (I did not want to fight other Kurdish people).

Where did you start your journey?


Which countries did you travel through?

Bulgaria (hidden in a truck) and Italy.

Why did you choose this country rather than another country?

Because France is pro-Kurde. For the Liberty, Equality and Fraternity and because they like French culture and history.

What was your principal difficulty once you arrived in the host country?

Understand and be understood.

Do you have a job?


Do you have local friends


What do you like most in the host country?


What do you do in your spare time?

Go to cafés, stroll (nothing else to do) and help the Kurdish community.

What do you want to do in host city?

Go to school to learn French, and then work.

What do you think will help newcomers?

Make it easier for people who don’t speak French especially those that do not know how to use the Internet.

What do you miss about your country?


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