Taking care of my family

When and why did you leave your country?

I left my country on the day of 29 December 2011 to come in cyprus for work , so that l can take care of my family back home.

Where did you start your journey?

Cairo, Egypt

Which countries did you travel through?

Egypt , l have no story to tell, because everything was well organized

Why did you choose this country rather than another country?

That was God will for my life

What was your principal difficulty once you arrived in the host country?

The weather was too cold, because that was my first time to experience such wheather

Do you have a job?


Do you have local friends


What do you like most in the host country?

Cyprus is peaceful and secured

What do you do in your spare time?

I talk to my family back home

What do you think will help newcomers?

Newcomers must know more about cyprus before making decisions to come or not

What do you miss about your country?

My children, l miss them , l wish they can be with me here

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